Yesterday was gloomy, cold & rainy. I HATE the rain. It had to be in the low 60's, which is cold for Miami, anyway. Carlos & I only worked a few hours because of the holiday so we left the office early to go home, cuddle & watch movies and it was just what the doctor ordered for a dreary Monday! I didn't post because I was too busy being a lazy-butt... it was fantastic! And for today, it's back to work as usual. It's actually gorgeous weather outside today so it's a little easier for me to be motivated. I am so affected by the weather, it seems... if it's nice, then I'm nice and if it's dark and gloomy, then so am I, so to speak... well, at least a little more down than if it were sunny out, anyway! I love when the weather is beautiful... a vivid blue sky, a few scattered white, fluffy clouds and a bright yellow sun shining down on me always makes my day!
My birthday is on February 9th, so I will be 29 in 18 days and I am so excited as I cannot begin to tell you how very much I LOOOOVE birthdays! I am totally like a little kid with birthdays. I can't help it, it just seems like such a special day since it's a celebration of your birth- the day YOU were born and came into this wonderful world- not much can top that in my book! I usually end up wanting to celebrate the whole week and go shopping, go out to eat, go out for drinks and just all around party and celebrate with family and friends! Not sure what I am going to do for this one since it's my the last year of my 20's- so hard to believe! I am thinking about dinner and a show, maybe a comedy show or a play of some kind, or maybe a big party at a club with a bunch of friends, I did that last year but it's always fun, or maybe a party at the house, that way I would spend lots more money on alcohol!! We'll see... I will decide as it gets closer and keep everyone posted... what do you think I should do? I know whatever I decide it will be a blast, my birthdays always are! ; ) XOXO