Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Better late than never...

Well, well, well Project Runway fans, Season 5 is officially over. I know, I am a little late seeing as the finale was a week ago tomorrow, however, you know what they say... better late than never and I say, that sure does apply to the blogging world! We all know how much of a procrastonator I am, so just go with it, damnit!

So yes, it's sad to see another season of a great show go, but on the bright side, this season wrapped with these two things that definitely brought "joy to my world" and they are 1) the final 3 designers were all CHICKS- go girl power! And the other, 2) The FABULOUS WINNER was Leanne Marshall! Now that is something to be happy about in my book! She was by far the most talented young designer featured as well as offered the most new and fresh ideas out of the whole gang. Now, it was obvious in a previous post of mine regarding "girl crushes on reality tv stars" that I was quite fond of the adorable little retro doll named Kenley, but cute or not, she quickly offered no more than a 1940's era inspired dress for pretty much every challenge AND added a whiney-baby attitude on top of it- so I changed my mind in rooting for her from the beginning to the end where Leanne really grew on me. She seemed so quiet, nerdy and dare I say overly-introverted at first, but as she got comfortable with her ideas, executing her successful designs and winning multiple challenges, she seemed to unfold right in front of our very eyes to pull it out and win it all in the end! Good for her and other aspiring nerdy designer chicks as I am sure that was quite a boost in their morale worldwide!

I do, of course, have a complaint... or two... about season 5 though. WTF was up with all the annoying, bratty, less-than-thrilling, sissy boys like Suede & Blayne- Mr. tanorexic? Now, don't get me wrong, I am just as much of a fag-hag as the next stylish gal, but c'mon, it was a little bit much for the show- I mean I actually started to develop negative feelings for Suede- Mr. 3rd person- after only a couple of episodes! I guess they figured if we could put up with Christian from the previous season, then we could handle anything! ; ) I loved him though- he was a hot tranny mess- as he would put it! Except he's not a tranny! But seriously, how about less femininity from the males and more of it from the females next season?? I mean, how about that trainwreck, overly-masculine, pleather-clad scariness they called Stella? She was a hot mess in my book! Another one that was stuck only showing the same old thing for each challenge!

That will be enough personal bashing for now, lemme get to my other complaints! The other thing I was disappointed in was the fact that the finale should've been called the "dress" fashion show! I mean, how about a little variety there, budding designers??!! Dresses are pretty and all that jazz, but I like to see a versatile collection including pants and seperates. I believe that shows more of a range of not only talent with a new designer, but also a healthy and open-minded thinking process when planning designs for a collection. Leanne, thank goodness, is the only one that offered such variety, although I would still have preferred to see more. In regards to the finale, I was honestly happy with the overall display of talent. I really enjoyed the silhouettes and creativity of the fabric painting in Kenley's collection, the rich colors and native-inspired styles of Korto's collection and obviously, most of all loved the details, details, details in Leanne's ocean-inspired pieces that were perfectly executed in simply serene tones! Plus, half of her fabric was made of sustainable materials- which, let's be realistic, that whole "green" thing isn't always practical, but she was able to use it to her advantage and have it be just another point that set her apart from the crowd- her collection was cohesive, beautiful and well made, so she was the clear winner!

Leanne says she is actually going to re-locate to New York to further develop her clothing line using the money she won. She plans to hire some people to help her and hopefully show at fashion week again. Good for her- I wish her the best of luck and I believe that we have not seen the last of her!

I always wonder how I would personally fit in talent-wise on each season of Project Runway that passes. I look so forward to evaluating each challenge as if I were using my own skills and knowledge acquired from fashion design school. But because I know that trends, styles and production techniques come and go so quickly in the industry, I wonder if I would be laughed at since my schooling was so long ago. As we know in the fashion world, either you're in or you're out!! ; ) I would hope to be IN!!!


photo creds:

Friday, October 10, 2008

marvelously mag-nificent mags!

i think it might be an understatemnt to say that i love magazines. i mean, they really excite me. like, really a lot! it can be a fashion mag, a home decor mag, an art mag, a cooking mag or even a men's mag for my man & it's like xmas morning every time i receive one in my mailbox, which, well, let's be honest, is just about every single day!! here's a list of the mags that we have subscriptions to:

Elle Decor
Natural Health
Everyday with Rachael Ray
Real SImple
Muscle & Fitness
Popular Science

Friday, October 3, 2008

you, stunningly gorgeous & busting at the seams with fabulousness- YES YOU!!!

(YOWZAAAAA!!! Look at these drop-dead gorgeous chicks- just like YOU!!)

hey there, beautifuls!!

i seem to be in constant "inspired-mode" these days, as in pretty much everything i see, read, do, experience, in some way or another inspires me. i suppose that i may be at a rather impressionable point in my life, rapidly approaching the big 3-0, so it only makes sense that after reading this touching recent post from 9-30-08 on one of my fave blog sites: http://www.galadarling.com/ i was so moved by the very written reminders of what's listed below that i knew i simply had to share this little list with all of you gorgeous people!! this struck such a chord within me that i feel as though i could've written it myself if i had only taken the time to translate some of my own most important & valuable principles, beliefs, thoughts and guiding reminders into words. these are actual things that i think, things that are true that i am constantly reminding myself of- consciously or sometimes not and what i believe to be as overall wise words of wisdom about how one should truly live! here goes:

*Stop comparing yourself to other girls, no matter how pretty, clever, cool or cashed-up they are.

*No one will ever have your unique twist of talents, perspectives or beauty.

*You do enough. You have enough. You are enough.

*Stop comparing yourself to other girls, no matter how talented, well-dressed, popular or capable they are.

*You improve the world more than you can possibly comprehend, just by being true to who you are every day.

*Go outside & be fabulous. Watching who you are, & seeing what you’re becoming, makes us so proud to know you.

*The world delights in your presence.

*We all love you very much.

And there you have it- no more excuses- you have now been officially reminded of your true AWESOMENESS!! So now, go out into the world and live it up! Honor your true self, be boldly confident, run in the direction of your dreams and never, ever look back!! ; )


photo cred:

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

the hills are alive...

why, why, why?

please tell me why, despite the fact that there are at least a million and one reasons that i can count hating per episode, i still MUST watch the hills every darn monday night at 10pm religiously???!!!

i mean, i actually do many, many times, even consciously say to myself during, and throughout the show, that i hate the characters, or their facial expressions, or the somber overall mood to every conversation, or the over-styled-ness of practically everyone on there, or the equally underwhelmed personalities whether at work or out at the club, or just the plain & utter boring-ness of it all... i am perplexed by this... that i am actually aware that i think, as a whole, it pretty much sucks as a show but then i can at the very same time feel like i absolutely must watch it and there's something within me that craves to see what's going on in these pathetic, spoiled, boring and annoying 20-something's lives??!!

is it some giant marketing scheme laced with subliminal messaging throughout the program that has been carefully planned and researched to make one want to shoot themselves in the foot at the very thought of missing even one milli-second of an episode??!! i mean, to make matters even worse, i am guilty of tivo-ing the damn show if i have plans or think for a second that i might miss the first few minutes??!! god forbid i miss a shot of the creepy flesh-colored beard-bearing spencer that i cannot stand the sight of, or the ever-annoying and too prissy for her own good lo, and how about the disgusting fake-ness of the overly tan and big-boobed audrina (okay that low-blow may just be out of jealousy!!)- better not miss a second of all the greatness this lil' show possesses!! geez!!! what's wrong with me, people??!!

i feel dumb for feeling this way and even dumber for writing and therefore confessing it to all of you. so there. do any of you out there feel my hills' pain??!! or maybe you possibly have another show you feel this way about??!! well, hopefully this season will perk up, become extremely deep & profound and show it's true & deep meaning to the world... well, i can hope for a justification anyway... right??!! ; )


photo cred:

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

just can't take it anymore!!

they are clear- NOT INVISIBLE!!!

i have a "MAYJAH" (as the FAB victoria beckham would say!) problem with clear & decorated bra straps!!!

HELLO????!!!! we can still see them, people!! they are clear- NOT INVISIBLE!!! and as far as the ones with rhinestones, flowers, butterflies or chain on them, well, that's just TACKY as hell and i am really sick of seeing them!!

who's ridiculous idea were these cheesy little straps, anyway??!! i would like to have a talk with them as well as all of the friggin' "fashion geniuses" that think they are stylish and like having them peep out of their shirts!!

i was at a function the other evening and wish i had've taken a picture of this chick that was there wearing a tube top with her big-ass, shiny, CLEAR bra straps hanging out for the whole world to see!!

UGH... just can't take it anymore- please make it stop!!!

photo creds:


do you feel my pain... do you?! or are you one of those "nuts" that think these straps are cute?! do tell!! XOXO

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

new goodies 4 ya!


just wanted to put up a quick post to let you all know that these cute items are all up for auction right now under my seller name devildollbaby on www.ebay.com so go bid away 4 adorable stuff at a fraction of the retail price!!

i currently have some awesome white mod cuff bracelets, a super rad nautical sailor hobo tote bag, beautiful pin-up bras, necklace, earring & bracelet lots, a huge rad lot of sunglasses, vintage 80's clip-ons & fake nerd glasses all listed right now- don't miss out!!

keep checking back for more new, used & vintage items as i put up new listings every week! oh, and thanks for helping contribute to such a good cause- my shopping/ebay addiction fund!! hehe!! ; )

XOXO luv to all- especially to those of you who bid on & buy my stuff!!!!

Friday, September 5, 2008

black & white & RAD all over!!

i just noticed the other day that i have been wearing a lot of
black & white lately. i found a few pics and added them here to show you a small sampling of my b&w phase, but i have worn it many other times lately without pic proof! ; )

i decided that it's such a RAD combo that you can totally not go wrong with!! i enjoy the boldness of it and feel that it makes such a statement alone, plus adding in an accent color to any given b&w ensemble allows it to have the same bold effect & just takes it up a notch! my fave colors to pair with b&w are red, pink & green as i feel they meet the contrast in the middle without being too overpowering.

i love stripes, checks and polka dots and think they all look fantastic in the richness of bold black & white. the simplicity yet graphic nature of such prints in b&w really allow you to look put together yet have more of your essence shine through because your outfit isn't wearing you- you are wearing it!! ; )

what color combo do you seem to favor as of late?! do tell, cupcakes!! XOXO