Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Gloomy Monday - Sunny Tuesday...

Yesterday was gloomy, cold & rainy. I HATE the rain. It had to be in the low 60's, which is cold for Miami, anyway. Carlos & I only worked a few hours because of the holiday so we left the office early to go home, cuddle & watch movies and it was just what the doctor ordered for a dreary Monday! I didn't post because I was too busy being a lazy-butt... it was fantastic! And for today, it's back to work as usual. It's actually gorgeous weather outside today so it's a little easier for me to be motivated. I am so affected by the weather, it seems... if it's nice, then I'm nice and if it's dark and gloomy, then so am I, so to speak... well, at least a little more down than if it were sunny out, anyway! I love when the weather is beautiful... a vivid blue sky, a few scattered white, fluffy clouds and a bright yellow sun shining down on me always makes my day!

My birthday is on February 9th, so I will be 29 in 18 days and I am so excited as I cannot begin to tell you how very much I LOOOOVE birthdays! I am totally like a little kid with birthdays. I can't help it, it just seems like such a special day since it's a celebration of your birth- the day YOU were born and came into this wonderful world- not much can top that in my book! I usually end up wanting to celebrate the whole week and go shopping, go out to eat, go out for drinks and just all around party and celebrate with family and friends! Not sure what I am going to do for this one since it's my the last year of my 20's- so hard to believe! I am thinking about dinner and a show, maybe a comedy show or a play of some kind, or maybe a big party at a club with a bunch of friends, I did that last year but it's always fun, or maybe a party at the house, that way I would spend lots more money on alcohol!! We'll see... I will decide as it gets closer and keep everyone posted... what do you think I should do? I know whatever I decide it will be a blast, my birthdays always are! ; ) XOXO

Friday, January 18, 2008

T.J.I.F.!!! The "JOY" In Fridays...

Hey Dolls! Just wanted to let you know that every Friday I plan to wrap up the week with a T.J.I.F. post of all the things that brought joy to my life throughout the week! I will title all of these posts T.J.I.F. for The "JOY" In Fridays and hope that you might possibly find some joy in them for your Friday as well! Each T.J.I.F. post will feature the 5 following elements:
1- A joyful website link
2- An inspirational quote
3- An item I am currently obsessing over
4- A tidbit of life advice
5- A random person/place/thing I am into at the moment

So, for my first T.J.I.F. post, I bring you the following tidbits of yummy goodness:
1- A joyful website link
I always say that if I wasn't a graphic designer that I would love to be either an interior designer or hair stylist! This fabulous site totally feeds my interior design cravings with juicy little furniture and decor images! It's full of fantastic pictures to serve as home decor inspiration as well as providing information as to where you can purchase fantastic items such as the ones featured. LUV IT! Do be sure to check it out!

2- An inspirational quote
"This above all: TO THINE OWN SELF BE TRUE. And it must follow as the night the day, thou canst not then be false to any man." -William Shakespeare
Now, who doesn't love a good Shakespeare quote?! This one in particular seems fitting for me since I have been on this personal growth and development quest as of late.

3- An item I am currently obsessing over
The De La Tour Chair from good ol' Urban Outfitters- which is pretty safe to say if my favorite store! I think I am going to have to get 1 or 2 of these chairs to add to my new living room layout- they would look fabulous in the room! Check out this cool chair here: http://www.urbn.com

4- A tidbit of life advice
"Smile when picking up the phone. The caller will hear it in your voice."
I couldn't agree more! 'Nuff said on that!

5- A random person/place/thing I am into at the moment
Mike Dooley of Notes from the Universe, the best book ever that I just finished reading... see how cool he is and read his story here:
Hey, even join the website and begin your adventure if you'd like! I highly recommend it! ; )

Well darlings, that's it for me on this fine Friday... hope you like my first T.J.I.F. post and that you all have a fantastic weekend! XOXO

Photo credits; http://www.designspongeonline.com/, www.gutenberg.org, http://www.urbn.com, surviving-motherhood-together.blogspot.com, http://www.tut.com

Thursday, January 17, 2008

Your true essence...

I think it's safe to say a very big "HAPPY NEW YEAR" wish is in order... better late than never, right?! At any rate, with a new year always comes good ol' resolutions... diet, exercise, finally quitting those bad habits, etc., etc... but I feel as though a new year is a great time to start over with your "better self" plan in general, and that to me always means first and foremost re-evaluating who YOU truly are. So I have decided that with this new year, I am working on the new me. The improved and better me. The empowered and more optimistic me. Hoping to become the best me I have ever been. Not necessarily changing myself in any major ways, yet simply getting down to the true essence of me and who I really am. Advice to myself and what I am constantly working on: Be an individual, be yourself. Truly unique and one of a kind... like no other. We have all heard this many times, but for some, it is easier said than done. The whole idea of it is great, but actually getting down to it and making the appropriate changes, coming to the right realizations and really being just you can seem like a very daunting task. The key to making this happen is actually knowing who YOU are, and it isn't always an easy thing to figure out. One of the most important things I think is to come up with and think long and hard about the true essence of yourself. Where do you come from? What specific events in your life have helped to shape the person you have become and how did they get you to where you currently are? Who do you surround yourself with? And how do you feel when you are with them? It is important to spend a lot of time thinking about and talking to yourself and decide what has made you who you currently are. In thinking about a lot of things in your past and that currently surround you, it becomes more clear as to how you got to where you are today. Do you like yourself? Who you have become? Because no one but you has the power to change that or be the true you better than yourself. I think all too often many people fall victim to the media and looking to other people when figuring out who they are. The most common mistake I feel is that individuals let the media and other people's opinions, views and morals come into play within their own life and in turn adapt to a set of something that they may not fully identify with but do it simply because it is actually easier than coming up with your own ideas. Everyone needs their own unique code. By this I mean a set of values, morals, ethics and views that are all your own and that you identify with most. Sure you can, and probably will, have the same or similar items in your code list as some other people, but what really sets us all apart is that no two codes will ever totally be identical. I think that a lot of time, as much free time as you can give, should be devoted to yourself. It is impostant to figure out when and where you can fit time in for you... just you... time to go inside and reflect, think, meditate... time to pamper and treat yourself right. I feel that being one with yourself has become a lost art in this busy and stressful society. When did you become less important than say, your significant other? Than your sister or mother? Than your best friend, child or boss? You are truly all you've got and that cannot be forgotten or ignored... ever. Take time to get to know yourself. Get to know what you like to eat, wear, what makes you truly feel good... what gives you warm fuzzies or butterflies in your stomach? Find out what makes you really tick. I believe that it's important to get to know yourself very well. And do not let other things or people influence you in making those decisions. After all, it's about figuring YOU out... why would anybody else have a say in it? I think all too often people tend to let society and/or other people influence them as to how they feel, what they like, where they go, where they shop, what they buy and who they hang out with. It doesn't matter if society or your next door neighbor says that something isn't cool or popular or trendy... if you like it or it makes you truly happy, then it does not matter and will not affect you. That's the greatest thing about coming up with your own unique code, once you have it, no one else can change or affect it. You will always be you. no one can change that. And with the code, you will automatically know what works for you and what doesn't because you will have a better understanding of what you are all about, your true essence. And then, only then, can you offer your true, whole, honest self to your family, partner and friends and then in turn have the opportunity to enhance all of your life experiences... with yourself and others. How beautiful! XOXO


I thought it was most appropriate for my first fun post with a picture to be the celebration of mine and Carlos' engagement! He proposed to me on Christmas, December 25, 2007 and we are both so very excited! It has been 6 1/2 years in the making and I feel like the luckiest girl ever to have the most amazing man by my side for the rest of our lives! And WOW- can I just say I am so spoiled with this rock he put on my finger?! It's huge and gorgeous and it all feels like a total dream... I am still floating on cloud 9!! We haven't officially set a wedding date yet, but we are thinking that it will be in about a year or so... we want plenty of time to plan our big party of a wedding and not be too stressed, so I will be sure to keep you all posted as soon as we pick a date for our special day! In the meantime, wish me luck with the wedding planning... so much to do! XOXO

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Welcome all...

Hello all and welcome to my new blog- Joy to my world! I have been wanting to start a blog for quite some time now but never actually set aside the time or put forth the effort to do so- until now- and I couldn't be happier! I am thrilled to have an expressive outlet where I can write about what excites me, annoys me, makes me feel something in general and all around adds "joy to my world!" Since I am constantly writing in my journal and I am always inspired by so many people and things in my life, I figured it was time to share my thoughts, views, opinions and excitement with the world and maybe in turn add some joy to your world! I plan to write about many different things here including family, friends, fashion/graphic/interior design, style, art, food, DIY, eBay, partying, all kinds of inspiration and all other randomness that comes to my creative Aquarian mind! So please check back often, share your thoughts with me, introduce yourself and let me know what you think! I am glad to be here and look forward to the overall experience!