Friday, February 29, 2008

I heart Collaging!!!

I have to say, for those of you that do not already know, that I am what I believe to be as the #1 FAN of collaging! I LOVE COLLAGES!! It is my favorite artsy & creative thing to do with pics of family & friends as well as random odds & ends, fabric and found objects. I get so excited when I am working on one and then see it finished in all of it's creative cut & paste glory! Well, I don't really cut with scissors or paste with glue much these days as most of my pieces are all digital done in Photoshop, but it excites me just the same. I have a journal that I have done tons of collages in over the years and then I have a bunch of random photograph ones, too. I think it's almost like a therapy thing for me sometimes... I can just get lost in collage land and go to town focusing on little images and things that make me feel filled with joy inside! I just threw this one here together the other day of mostly recent family and friend pics and while it is not so "collage-y" looking, it puts a BIG SMILE on my face when I look at it and feel all of the people that mean so much to me smiling back! Do tell- what's your favorite crafty thing to do that makes you smile?! XOXO

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