Friday, August 1, 2008

optimistic & ecstatic...

it's undeniable that change is in the air and good things are on the horizon... i feel it and no doubt why... for it's in the stars, my dears!!

one of my fave astrology sites, had this to say today in regards to my Aquarian week: "Double up, Aquarius. Friday's eclipse brings a sweeping rush of energy to your seventh house of partnerships. An exciting wave of romance or a stellar opportunity for collaboration could come like a bolt from the blue. If you don't literally manifest an exciting new partner, you may have an "aha! moment" about the need to allow other people to get closer to you. That requires sharing more of your authentic, "unpolished" self. Surprise, surprise: when you let your guard down, you'll find that people are drawn to you. Put your cooler than thou', rebel, or rockstar persona on pause and give yourself permission to be wildly, emotionally uninhibited this week." Whew, looks like all i have to do is open up and say ahhhh!! hehe!!

and my other fave horoscope site, had this to say for me today: "This day is going to unfold in some unpredictable directions, but not knowing exactly what is going to happen next might actually be a very good thing for you, right now. Look for it to spark your creativity by the afternoon and help you get started on a new path in some aspect of your life. You'll have the urge to start a few new social endeavors you've been contemplating for a long time -- finally, you've got the right attitude for trying something new."

so needless to say i am excited and looking forward to some new things and as always, greatly welcome change... i will start with getting a haircut!! i will go this evening or tomorrow morning, not sure exactly when yet, but i am going to do it soon and really start my month off with a fresh bang!!

sooooo, everything's cool!!!

what does your daily/weekly/monthly horoscope say is in store for you... care to share?! i wish you all fabulous weekends full of love & happiness!! XOXO

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