Wednesday, May 14, 2008



Monday night was the first official "meeting" of the JJWC and we had a BLAST!!

What is the JJWC, you ask? Well, it's the JIU-JITSU WIVES CLUB, a FABULOUS little group of chicks that have men that all do jiu-jitsu together so we decided to have girls nights out while they are training... I know, it's like the BEST idea EVER!! They're doing what they love- bjj and stand-up training, while us chicks do what we love- drink, eat & gossip- everybody WINS!!!! And I am happy to announce that lil' ol' me is the lucky gal that was nominated president, a title I am honored to have! ; ) As the president, I will try my best to plan weekly "meetings" as I think this is the beginning of a beautiful (and deliciously-alcohol-induced!) relationship! Hey, who needs reality TV when you've got the JJWC??!! ; )

Thanks gals for making Monday nights just a little more interesting!!


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