Tuesday, February 19, 2008

HAIR- The long & short of it...

Okay, so I am a HUGE fan of any makeover show- I mean, who doesn't LOVE a good makeoever- or a bad one at that, right??!! I adore them all equally and watch them all regularly!
The part I just don't get though, is when someone gets all re-done and is lookin' all FAB in their new clothing, shoes & accessories and then it comes time for the hair part and SSKKKRRREEETTTTCCCHHHHH- they SLAM on the brakes and say, "OH MY GOD, NOT MY PRECIOUS HAIR!!!" Are you SERIOUS??!! I just don't get when someone is so attached to their hair, like it's a limb that they will no longer be able to function without once it's cut off or something!! I do have feelings, don't get me wrong, and I can respect someone that has special love for their hair, I just don't understand how one can be so cut off (no pun intended!) to the idea of change in the form of a haircut! It's really not that serious, people!!

In fact, a haircut, especially a drastic one, is one of the best experiences and feelings ever! And so many women seem to be stuck on the fact that they think only long hair is sexy- What's up with that?! I sooo do NOT agree at all! I personally have had long and short hair both and pretty much every length, style and color in between and I am here to tell you- it's all going to be okay!! In fact, it won't only be okay, but probably even better if you are willing to give it a chance!! Hair is so much fun and can be anything you want it to be... think about it... that's the way I have always felt about hair because I feel it's one of the only things we can regularly and drastically change on ourselves and we have so many options as to what we can do to it. And the best part- if you don't like it or get sick of it- IT GROWS BACK!!!

So, I actually find it fun to use hair as an extension of one's personal style, almost like an accessory! I think short funky hair can be sassy and fun and long hair can be sleek and sophisticated. But I also think that all hair lengths can be anything you want them to be... sexy, funky, preppy, alternative, sophisticated, etc and you just have to work with what you've got to figure out all of the wonderful things you can do to it!

I have long-ish hair right now, about 5" below my shoulders at the moment, but I have to say I miss my short hair a LOT!! I think I will cut it after I get married, only because I picture myself with long, silky blonde hair in my wedding and in a year or so when we get married, my hair will be even longer and more pretty for pictures! I feel more edgy and stylish with short hair, though, if that makes sense. I think there's a lot more you can do with it and have fun with products and different styles with a short cut.

What's your current hair obsession or hair length opinions?
Do tell, dolls! XOXO

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I have yet to see a woman who looked better AFTER she had had her beautiful long hair whacked off. I can think of a few who have had major haircuts of late. Such a pity.