Friday, February 1, 2008

T.J.I.F.!!! Here's to another joyful week...

Howdy partners! I have been a little busy doing all sorts of random things that have taken up my time as of late so I have not written in here as much as I had hoped/planned, but sometimes life happens and things don't go exactly as expected... ya know?! So I like to say, and constantly remind myself, ACCEPT- DON'T EXPECT!! It's a lot easier to be happy and never feel let down under that way of thinking.

Anyhoo, it's that time again... yet another fabulous Friday is upon us, so here's this week's T.J.I.F. post of all the things that brought joy to my life throughout the week!

1- A joyful website link
Now I know what you're thinking... ebay? Couldn't she come up with anything better? But I have to say, I am pretty much addicted and it's not just this week, it's always! I have been selling on there for a few years under the name devildollbaby but more importantly I have been shopping on there since 2001 and have found some amazing stuff at really fantastic deals! The thrill of the hunt and the rush of winning auctions is quite a good time in my book! And who doesn't love shopping from the comfort of their own office or home at any time of the day or night?! Well, I do and I am a huge ebay fan!

2- An inspirational quote
"There is only one way to happiness and that is to cease worrying about things which are beyond the power of our will." -Epictetus

Just a note on that... I think that most people I run into take everything waaaay too seriously and for the most art I feel like everything doesn't have to be that way... we can all relax a little bit and let the things that we cannot change be things that we truly do not worry about, and that is most things to me... I am working on letting go of the feeling that I need to be in control all of the time and just try to go with the flow more often... it's quite nice because you really do realize that you can live a more peaceful and joyful life!

3- An item I am currently obsessing over
I don't have a specific link to an item on this go around here because what I am obsessing over this week is a new phone with some type of flip out keyboard for easier texting!! I know there are a million different models and styles as these are all the rage right now, but I am definitely on a mission to find just the right one and get it! I am sick of my current phone that I am always getting dropped calls on in Nextel-hell, so it's absolutely time to upgrade and I figure I must get a more text-friendly phone if I am going to make the investment... so I am thinking a sidekick or blackberry of sorts, not sure yet... will keep you posted.

4- A tidbit of life advice
Remember the three R's: Respect for self; Respect for others; and Responsibility for all your actions. I couldn't have said it better myself!

5- A random person/place/thing I am into at the moment
Gotta go with the Desert Pear Margaritas from Longhorn Steakhouse for this week! My honey and I just had about 4 each of them last night and I just LOVE them! If you have never tried them, it's a MUST! They are delicious... a little fruity, a little sour and a LOT yummy!! Cheers!!!

That's gonna do it for me on this lovely Friday... have a great weekend, dolls! Only 8 more days till my b-day... YEA!! XOXO

Photo credits;,,,

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