Friday, August 15, 2008


"EYE" WANT THESE!!!! ; )

Okay, so I am totally OBSESSED with these new ANIME CONTACT LENSES that make your eyes big & wide like a Japanese Anime hottie!! HOW FABULOUS!!! I really dig these babies and think that I need to order a pair or two PRONTO!! I read an article about them and decided that it's waaaay past due that someone came up with this genius idea!! "These are no ordinary contacts - they're not only tinted, but tinted prominently in the extra-wide outer ring. The result is the appearance of a bigger, wider iris." I want a green & a blue or violet pair- how FUN!!

What's your take on my current eye-enhancing-obsession, must-have or totally drab?!
Have a WONDERFUL weekend my fellow fashionistas!! XOXO


LadyZ said...

actually i want some just as bad as you do. I cosplay a lot so having these would just make my day!!

Anonymous said...

I think they're fabulous! Trust me, I want some too :)
I go crazy looking for tips to make eyes look bigger