Thursday, August 21, 2008

cool & clever design...

i am totally digging these random cool & clever designs!! i am inspired by how some "common" or rather "normal" objects can be turned into almost unique objects d'art solely depending upon whose hands, or shall i say minds, they were created in!! tres fab!!

now tell me, who wouldn't love to live, or at least stay for a few nights, in a big, round ball of a treehouse?! wow- how cool would that be?!

and i can just picture myself sipping raspberry chai lattes or slurping miso soup out of the raddest litlle mug/bowl combo called the "buddha bowl" -which i think i need a set of pronto!!

and of course i need one of those adorably-retro-chrome-starburst dog bed/end tables to stash my deucey doggy in when company comes so he doesn't pee on them! at least i can look cool all the while reprimanding my bi-polar pup!!

and those lightbulbs, well, they remind my of my babe because he designs with drips a lot and i thought they totally looked like paint dripping down the wall... who needs a lampshade when the bulb is so darn cool?!

that old claw foot bathtub sure did get an overhaul, huh?! whoudda thunk it- a tub turned into a couch- now that's going green, my friends- recycling at it's finest, and quite design-minded, if i do say so myself! it would actually look pretty cool perched in my sleek & modern living room!!

and what new yorker crammed in a closet-sized apartment wouldn't love to get their hands on such an adorable, and practical little dinette set?! saving space and having an eat-in kitchen has just been made possible by this clever design that the chairs totally tuck in under the table! but it still looks uber-cool!!

i always thought the idea of a garden or yard gnome was rather cute in a kitschy and nostalgic kind of way, but never actually wanted to commit because the style just doesn't fit my mid-century modern aesthetic. well, problem solved, my dears... how 'bout a glowing garden gnome that looks cute & cool all at the same time?! luvs it!! i would totally rock that bad boy in my front yard!!

and finally last and well, yes least because my other picks were much cooler than this one but had to give it two snaps up in a Z formation anyway because it ranks high in the clever category in my book- the nose cup!! looks weird when you drink out of it, but i think it would be fun to pick your nose and pick your friends' noses when they come over for drinks- pun intended!! and they would be really funny after a few cocktails!! ; )

what are you inspired by today, cupcakes?! share your picks for cool & clever designs!!

ta-ta for now... i'm off to go kick some butt in my pink kickboxing gloves!! ; ) XOXO

photo creds & item info links:

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